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本文摘要:Volkswagens chief executive, Martin Winterkorn, has gone and shareholders are slightly more optimistic today after a bruising start to the week. fastFT has done a quick round-up of how the German media is assessing the diesel emissions crisis at the worlds second biggest carmaker.大众汽车(Volkswagen)首席执行官文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)早已请辞,在经过本周前几天令人伤心的日子后,股东们现在的心情稍微好了一些。

Volkswagens chief executive, Martin Winterkorn, has gone and shareholders are slightly more optimistic today after a bruising start to the week. fastFT has done a quick round-up of how the German media is assessing the diesel emissions crisis at the worlds second biggest carmaker.大众汽车(Volkswagen)首席执行官文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)早已请辞,在经过本周前几天令人伤心的日子后,股东们现在的心情稍微好了一些。英国《金融时报》fastFT栏目较慢辨别了一下德国媒体对这家全球第二大汽车制造商尾气不实危机的评论。Die Welt laments that Winterkorn could have been VWs most successful chief executive in the carmakers history. 《世界报》(Die Welt)感叹道,文德恩原本可以沦为大众历史上最顺利的一位首席执行官。

The newspapers business editor, Nikolaus Doll, points out that the President of VWs supervisory board had been searching for a way through the diesel disaster all week and had wanted to know how much Winterkorn knew about the plot to fit some models with devices capable of cheating US emissions tests. 该报商业编辑尼古劳斯·多尔(Nikolaus Doll)认为,大众监事会主席整周都在找寻解决问题这场“尾气不实”危机的方法,并且期望理解文德恩对在某些车型上加装能看穿美国尾气检测系统的装置一事告诉多少。The answer to that question was no longer important at the end of the day, he writes (see first picture below). 他写到:“结果,这个问题的答案早已仍然最重要了。”Handelsblatt concentrates on the value of Mr Winterkorns pension, claiming that during his tenure, he built up a pension worth 29m euros (see second picture).德国商报(Handelsblatt)注目的是文德恩退休金的金额。

该报声称,文德恩在任内为自己累积了价值2900万欧元的退休金。Die Zeit, whose website is predominantly devoted to Europes refugee crisis, makes the obvious but valid point that Mr Winterkorn may have gone but the problem remains.《时代周报》(Die Zeit)具体而正确地回应,文德恩也许回头了,但“问题还在”。

The tabloid newspaper Bild concentrates on the legal assistance VW will need in the US. VW faces billions of dollars in fines and warranty costs and class action lawsuits from drivers in America.德国小报《图片报》(Bild)注目的是大众在美国必须的法律援助。大众将面对数十亿美元罚款以及售后服务费用,还有可能遭遇美国车主发动的集体诉讼。

